October 23, 2008


A devoted loving husband,
a daughter that has loved me through it all
and her dear husband.
I am blessed.
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God-daughter's birthday

What can I say, I just love them. They are my heart. I can only go about three days without seeing them.
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I saw Dot online, reading my blog today. I came home from work and read back a few months.

I go through fits and jerks about writing. I saw again what a record of my life this blog has been. Kind of lets me get my true feelings out there in a non-threatening way.

I have been very concerned for the future of our nation. I think we have extremely turbulent times ahead. Like none my generation has ever seen. My husband said it best, "I feel like a frog in a pot of water that is coming to a boil."

Then the words of my priest come to mind, "Sometimes we have to compromise our expectations so we can get happy with our reality." I have read the end of the Book. We are not without hope or help. This place called Earth is not our final destination. We pass through this part of our journey, to come to Christ and to be carried to Paradise, with Him.

There, we will finally be free of all the guile, lies and hatred that sin and sin's effects have sludged over this world. He will rule, King of Kings, with purity and holiness. We will never wonder if His words are truthful, if He is really looking out for us, if we will be safe and protected.

Many pilgrims have gone before us and suffered loss of dreams and loss of life. But they are with Him, as we will be.

I have stopped the fight. I will pray until the election is over for the Holy Spirit to guide the hearts of everyone who votes to vote for culture of life. But I had to stop hanging on every word in the news and emails. It was sapping my energy.

I still need to work. I need to have cheerful topics of conversation with my clients. I need to seek the joy of each day.

I started walking 3.3 miles (in 50 minutes) outside about four to five days a week. It is helping to whittle my middle!! And it gives me a lot of energy.

I am loving my Drawing One class and will be taking a painting class on Saturday mornings. Plus, I am working through the book, "Drawing on the Right Side of Your Brain".

I am having fun planning the holidays with our two girls and two granddaughters. And with the god-children family, there are countless birthdays and other reasons to celebrate!

So, there is a catch up. I will try to be more regular of a blogger!

Hello, my long lost blogger friends!