The self-portrait is my final project for Drawing One class at PJC.
She had made mention a couple years ago about how I start ideas/projects/ambitions and then talk myself out of them. I hate it when she is right about my weaknesses and failings. She most likely would not like me to list out hers, either.
I have wanted to draw and paint for years. I started about 18 months ago. I stopped listening to my negative, devilish voices and had an epiphany that if God gives us the desires of our hearts, then I should trust He would supply the talent.
The doors have opened ever since. Art Party Girl has been incredible, opening up her home and sharing her talent over and over. Gardenia has been another patient teacher and encourager. And Dot and TT have been consistant cheerleaders as I have nailed painting after painting up in our gallery/dining room.
Taking Drawing One was a huge step of faith. I had to overcome that fear of walking into a world of strangers - the college scene. I will never forget the first day, trembling inside as I stammered my way into a class of silent 18 and 19 year olds, scurrying around to find a seat and surfing on my CrackBerry to cover my intense insecurity.
I thought Teach was from another planet- one of granola and great art and no use for a preening middle-aged hairstylist. Judge not. Will I ever learn?!
Who would know that slowly Teach and I would begin sharing. First words, then hearts. She and I had more in common than a dozen of my clients put together. She is a deep and caring and intensely talented woman. She did not wield a sword and cut me with the cruel critisizm I feared.
She is honest, but kindly so. Vulnerable with dignity. Giving, with boundaries. The day she asked me to join her in sidewalk art, I was giddy with joy. I could learn so much from her. And she has a great sense of humor.
Okay, back to Dot's assessments of me. I have FINISHED the class!! The only classes I missed were because I was out of town for our family Thanksgiving trip and attending Dot's marathon. I did not wimp out, withdraw, or withhold. I did every assignment and gave it my all. My all was not the top of the chart of the talent of the class, but it was all that I had.
And somehow, miraculously, Teach has offered to mentor me, one-on-one in portraits next semester, in exchange for my hair services! OMG!!!! Can you believe THAT?? The desire of my heart has come true. I am really going to be taught how to paint faces! And the crazy thing is, we are going to paint together in my gallery!!!!
I feel like the brat of all spoiled brats. I get to learn, in my own home, the very thing that I love.
I will let you know my class grade!
She had made mention a couple years ago about how I start ideas/projects/ambitions and then talk myself out of them. I hate it when she is right about my weaknesses and failings. She most likely would not like me to list out hers, either.
I have wanted to draw and paint for years. I started about 18 months ago. I stopped listening to my negative, devilish voices and had an epiphany that if God gives us the desires of our hearts, then I should trust He would supply the talent.
The doors have opened ever since. Art Party Girl has been incredible, opening up her home and sharing her talent over and over. Gardenia has been another patient teacher and encourager. And Dot and TT have been consistant cheerleaders as I have nailed painting after painting up in our gallery/dining room.
Taking Drawing One was a huge step of faith. I had to overcome that fear of walking into a world of strangers - the college scene. I will never forget the first day, trembling inside as I stammered my way into a class of silent 18 and 19 year olds, scurrying around to find a seat and surfing on my CrackBerry to cover my intense insecurity.
I thought Teach was from another planet- one of granola and great art and no use for a preening middle-aged hairstylist. Judge not. Will I ever learn?!
Who would know that slowly Teach and I would begin sharing. First words, then hearts. She and I had more in common than a dozen of my clients put together. She is a deep and caring and intensely talented woman. She did not wield a sword and cut me with the cruel critisizm I feared.
She is honest, but kindly so. Vulnerable with dignity. Giving, with boundaries. The day she asked me to join her in sidewalk art, I was giddy with joy. I could learn so much from her. And she has a great sense of humor.
Okay, back to Dot's assessments of me. I have FINISHED the class!! The only classes I missed were because I was out of town for our family Thanksgiving trip and attending Dot's marathon. I did not wimp out, withdraw, or withhold. I did every assignment and gave it my all. My all was not the top of the chart of the talent of the class, but it was all that I had.
And somehow, miraculously, Teach has offered to mentor me, one-on-one in portraits next semester, in exchange for my hair services! OMG!!!! Can you believe THAT?? The desire of my heart has come true. I am really going to be taught how to paint faces! And the crazy thing is, we are going to paint together in my gallery!!!!
I feel like the brat of all spoiled brats. I get to learn, in my own home, the very thing that I love.
I will let you know my class grade!