Friday night we all went to the Art Museum for the Duane Hanson- Real Life opening reception. The kids love art. Their mama loves art. And TT and I love art!
I worked all last weekend on my sewing room/office to transform it into my office/studio because I have decided to. . . . GO TO COLLEGE!!!!! Yup. I am going tomorrow (God willing, that is) to register for January! Going for my AA in Studio Arts. Who knows, I may not stay that course. I do love to write. I actually have many interests. But will start with Studio Art degree.
I only took one semester of college. My parents did not encourage higher education. Funny, because I think my father went for four years to become an accountant.
Mother got her MRS degree twice. She married her high school sweetheart, but was widowed near the end of WW2. She had my eldest sis by her first. He never got to see his baby girl. Died when she was only four months old. Then, when Eldest was four, Mother married my father.
At any rate, it worked for them for her to stay home, raise us girls, refinish antique furniture, quilt, hook rugs, embroider and knit. That seems like a dream world, huh? She always referred to people who did not possess her "common sense" as "educated nit-wits". And Daddy seemed to slight the "college boys".
Whatever, I did not get it that college would help me. Passed that erroneousness on to my Dot, who really would have loved a higher education. Oi.
I don't know why the bug has bit me at this stage in life, but it really has. I did some online lessons in algebra and I floated the whole next day from solving one equation!!!
I know this, I want our god-children to go to college. I am already instilling that plan in their trusting brains.