June 20, 2007

mighty hunter

I know I am very young, but I take my job as the household mascot and guard dog very seriously. Mommy and Daddy and I were watching "So You Think You Can Dance". Mommy's back is hurting her real bad again, so she was laying on the floor with ice under her booboo.
Daddy was in his chair with his pillows and lots of food in front of him. They had a friend over and her foot was hurting her, so she was laid up on the couch.
Who else could save the family from the danger of the intruder, Slime Roach, but me? I heard his thundering hooves advancing at us from under the couch.
Mommy thought I was looking for a naughty place to tinkle or drop a tootsie roll. When will she ever trust me? "Isabella, come HERE and go potty where you should!" She said it about three times.
I had to ignore her. There was a higher call for me. Do they feed me Mighty Dog for no reason, I thought?
At last, I took the prisoner alive and brought the criminal before my masters.
I thought Mommy was jumping up in fear, but turns out, she wanted to record my militant effort to protect them. Daddy kept saying to take my prey away from me. Grrrrrrr, I wanted to devour the scummy varmit.

Ah, only seven months old, I, a mere young girl of a teacup ShiTzu have shown myself worthy of my Mighty Dog din-din!

P.S. It would really help my hunting if Mommy would get me a haircut!!

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Furtheron said...

I'm afraid - very afraid....


You just frightened my one eyed cat.

You are cute though.

What the hell's a booboo????

Gardenia said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww - a roach! That is the greatest call of sacrifice of yourself to touch one of those nasties to protect family. Good Dawg!

Anonymous said...

Aww Isabella very cute even when shes tough. My dog is is completly the opposite!

Jada's Gigi said...

LOL How cute is that? Sorry your back is hurting...