May 29, 2006


Our weekend was FUN!
Sixty people, mostly in one huge cabin.
Men, women, children.
Lots of great food.
Fabulous weather.
Adventures Unlimited, indeed!
A river to canoe, kayak or tube down.
Low ropes games that built relationships and team work.
No outside world contact.
Campfire complete with guitar, singing and s'mores.
Golf cart for impaired folks, like me!
Water guns.
Twister game.
Continental breakfasts on the porch overlooking the river.
Quiet sleepers upstairs, snorers downstairs (I got booted to the lower level - oi, how embarrassing!)
Poker games.
Massage appointments after the strenuous exercise.
French braiding for anyone with enough hair! (I found my place quickly and loved it!)
No petty arguments!
Rest and food for the soul.
We came back smiling and counting the days til next Memorial Day, as this is an annual event that apparently we will be invited to again!

I did not think I was THAT much of a woodsy gal, but found the sweat, sun and worldly solitude more refreshing than I could ever have imagined.


Louisiana said...

Hi. That sounds absolutely wonderful. So glad you went. I think you and TT needed some laughs after such a painful loss and of course all the stress of your back and no lappy...Oh you sound so cute...I love golf carts too, they are so handy. And don't feel bad about that, it is what it is..Breakfast overlooking the river? sounds so lovely. I would have been booted downstairs too, so don't worry, it's not the nicest thing to do but hey it's not like we have control over it...And massages? oh i'm loving it for you...The 'saints' that put this thing together deserve to know how kind and generous they are...
I tell you, i see how beautiful you do hair..i would love to get you to do mine...I can imagine you turning even mine to look good. I hope you share more pics...Did i mention i am very happy for you guys...May this be a turn around for much more peace and giggles in the near future...No more bad stuff. Thank you for sharing honey...Hugs.

Anonymous said...

piccy #2 is a red x but i m so glad u n tt had a great tiem
dp x.


Sounds like you had a ball!

For Youtube just copy and paste the 'Embed' code directly onto the post that you're writin n it'll appear on it when you publish. no probs.

Jada's Gigi said...

sounds perfect! lovely, lovely weekend!

Anonymous said...

ok if u click on it red x it goes 2 tha movie my
glad u has a lotta fun u prolly use tha wrong code is all hattie u cant use tha myspace code

Gayzha said...

Wow...that's what LIFE should be all the time.... you two deserve this break!!!

David Tellez said...

Really? You actually had fun hanging out in the not-so-great outdoors? WOW...I dont know how you did it Mrs. Hatti Grace, but without my friends, (aka Johnnie Walker, Jim Beam, Jose Cuervo, and the 2 Glens, Livet and Fiddich) I dont know how I'd survive!