January 7, 2007


I have moved in and worked there for one week.

I could load you down with endless details. Like decorating slowdowns and such. I wanted to move in and have my room all perfect. You know, so I could have the big "TaDaaaaaaaaaaaa" and beam with pride.

But, we are still painting trim, waiting for bamboo shades, shelves, my aromatherapy timer. The new shampoo room chairs have not arrived, the washer/drier is not yet installed. . . oi!

For one week, I have slept through the night each night. Slept like a baby. For one week, even though I work nearly as hard as the holidays, I am not worn to a frazzle at the end of the day.

It is a happy place. Not perfect. But happy and respectful. I feel it. My assistant feels it. Dot has felt it for the four months she had been there. And most importantly, my clients feel it.

Truly, HAPPY New Year!


Furtheron said...

Keep on track.

Good luck - although I know you don't need it.

Anonymous said...

Wow it sounds perfect for you. Best wishes.

Furtheron said...

Tagging time - see my blog for details... :-)

Gardenia said...

hooray. I too am finally sleeping - well most of the time. Packing - but its hard to haul boxes in & out in 60-75 mph winds -In fact as you predicted, back feels better.

Can't wait to see the new shop. I'm planning for leaving here Jan 20 or soon thereafter.


Anonymous said...

stress is gone back isnot tense now eh? gl wi alla tha new stuff...my blg isnow on tha beta but its not beta nemore newyas


well chuffed for yer babe! x