January 13, 2007


I had to post this. I need this message every day. God help me to be this honest with myself.

The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword . . . it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

What a pleasure it is to use a set of sharp, new kitchen knives! At first you may fear accidentally cutting yourself, but you soon discover that the right instrument makes it much easier to prepare the evening meal. You don’t have to exert your strength to tear apart meat or vegetables, so you’re less tempted to put your fingers in harm’s way.

How many of us make use of the Word of God in this way? Do we read its stories reflectively, placing ourselves into the situation and testing our reactions?

For example, with whom do we honestly identify in today’s gospel (Mark 2:13-17): the sinners who flocked to Jesus’ table, or the religious critics who found them embarrassing and inconvenient? Would we be able unhesitatingly to lay aside our work in response to an invitation like the one Jesus gave Levi?

What motivates our actions? Dare we allow the Spirit to penetrate our hearts, exposing roots of greed, glory-seeking, envy, or cold duty where we would prefer to see ourselves as motivated by prudence, self-esteem, truthfulness, or love?

It can be frightening to realize that we can hide nothing from God. But it can also be very liberating. We don’t have to waste energy pretending to be someone we are not. God knows us through and through, and he still loves us unconditionally. He offers us forgiveness for sin and the power to be transformed.

The same Word of God that reveals our deepest thoughts and intentions also reveals to us the face of the Son of God, who was fully aware of what he was doing when he called Levi and sat down at table with other sinners. He is a powerful and sympathetic high priest who understands our every burden and temptation.

So put aside fear, and tap into God’s great mercy. Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

Jesus, Word of God, I invite you to search my heart and know my thoughts. I come to You just as I am, eager to encounter You just as You are, full of compassion and life-changing power.

Psalm 19:8-10,15; Mark 2:13-17


L said...

That was nice and necessary. My faith has always been like a rollercoaster ride, great highs and lows. I'm at a low point, knowing I need to get back on track. Thanks, your post helps!

Leigh Ann

Gardenia said...

Preach it girl! I stayed home from church today, but got the Word anyway. Alright! Needed it, feeling incredibly weak and overwhelmed this morning.

Anonymous said...

That's a great post, and a wonderful reminder! Thanks for that!


Jesus wore Levi's??? (I know...I'm a heathen...) Caz's mum has to read some'at next Sunday n I've got to type it out in BIG type. Me typin' bits of the bible!!

Jada's Gigi said...


DILLIGAF said...

by the way - font size on me blog. hold 'Ctrl' and use the wheel on yer mouse and it'll increase the size ok

David Tellez said...

You know I always think about things like this Ms. Hatti Grace. My mother is far more religious than me because she's always praying for somebody. She prays at the drop of a hat and considers anything and everything that doesnt involve God to be unholy and sinful. Like watching American Idol? That's a waste of time, when you could be talking to God. Buying a book at the bookstore? That's a waste of money, when you could be feeding one of God's homeless children. Yeah.

Ok, here's another example. The other day, during lunch at her work (she's a teacher at a private Christian Kindergarten and Preschool School) the ladies were talking about their weekends. One talked about hanging out with an old friend and drinking the best PatrĂ³n Margaritas, while another contemplated about whether or not to get a small cross tattoo that would match her husband's tattoo. Both horror stories shocked my mother to her very core and immeadiately she started to pray for their "alcoholism" and "body-temple destroying ways". Apparently, her idea of a good weekend story was to talk about how many people she shared the Lord with and how many she led to Christ. I know.

And though my mother probably means well, I think she would actually be sitting and dining with the religious critics. She doesnt like to do anything that's considered to be a part of this world. Which sometimes makes me feel like I'm a bad person, you know? Because I like to watch American Idol. I like to go to a bookstore and buy a book. I like to go out for dinner and have a nice drink every now and then, while discussing the fact if whether or not I should get a tattoo.

And I usually do find myself associating with sinners, which makes me even feel worse at times. And though I dont go around preaching to them, I think they see God in me through my actions. People are always telling me, "David, you're always so nice to people," and "David, you always have a positive attitude. You're never bitter," (which is not always true, I'll admit, but it's nice to know they think that) and "David, you are so lucky and so blessed." And you know, it's because of God I can be like that.

So thanks for the Bible passage Ms. Hatti Grace and for letting me know, I'm not a total "heathen."

Buffy said...

Love you.


Jada's Gigi said...

did your tag...:)

Jada's Gigi said...

hey, you weren't bugging me..it was fun and I do like to do those occasionally...:)


you must be busy in the new place. good. laters....

Deborah Fantasia said...

Amen, that's great and very practical to add to our daily lives !

(BTW - I came through Cheryl's blog, hope you don't mind :)