November 6, 2006


I must be so hormonal. Or have a huge sinus infection.

Have had a dull headache for two weeks. Poor TT. He can't say anything right. Everything gets under my skin.

I have a painful corn 'tween my baby and next toe. Now, before you fall off your chair laughing at me, take a thumbtack and stick it 'tween your toes and walk like that for a month and see if you don't get a bit pissy over it!

TT was supposed to buy me corn removers last week. . . they never made it home. Limp, limp, limp. I am sure that helps my back heal.

My homeowner's insurance went from $800 a year to $4900 a year. No typo. That is nearly five THOUSAND dollars. No, we do not live in a mansion. Honestly, we are in a borderline neighborhood. . . could slide into the dumps or could continue fixing up. Nice our present governor urged us to vote in tomorrow's elections so our next governor would continue preventing insurance fraud. Grrrrrrr, I have HAD it with shrubbery in the capitols.

In shopping for a new insurance company, the first question they ask, "Do you have a swimming pool?"

You know where this is going. I feel like a moron. Invited all of you to our initiating pool party next summer. I don't have egg on my face (now that I am vegan), I have dirt on my face!!! From digging a hole so I can hide my embarrassed self.

This whole money thing is getting me down. I just can't make it fast enough.

So, today, I went shopping! Seriously, I don't know what happened to any tops with sleeves but my closet is full of tank tops. Ah-hem, it is getting cold here! So, I found a few things. TT, my ever present enabler, "Hattigrace, clothing is an investment to you, it is absolutely a tool for your profession."

WHAT did I do to deserve someone so sweet? Of course, he has always been like that, so no small wonder we have no retirement. My part is coming up with the latest HAVE TO to spend money on. Like that horrible above ground swimming pool that TT just hauled out to the road to be picked up by the trash so it would not count against us when the new insurance inspector pays us a visit.

And the thing I am struggling with the most is for ten years I have worked at this salon. For ten years the owner has been an arrogant, sarcastic, money-grubbing short-man's-personality. We have butted heads a million times. So I accept he is who he is and I do not want to be subjected to his ways any longer.

In preparing to move, I pray for the new salon and for the old one. Last week, the owner of the old one went on a retreat with his daughter. He came home changed. Have actually had two conversations with him that he did not utter one sarcastic, caustic, demeaning word.

Now I am leaving. And he begins a beautiful change. The place will never be the same. His effect on those girls lives will be amazing. I wish I could be there to see it. Too bad. I have given my word.

And of course, the move is costing me. Way more than I imagined. The new people are great, don't get me wrong. But see, I have created another HAVE TO cause. Another place to pour out a few thousand dollars.

I did not want to be poor and old. Old is bad enough, but poor, too?

So, phooey. That is just how I feel. Man, I need an endorphin high. And a prayer high. I am just in this miserable faithless low. I will come out. Because the Father's hand will pull me out. At least I am sipping tea and not smoking. Sober. Sometimes it hurts.

I bet you bloggers are lined up for miles to read this encouraging post!


Anonymous said...

Insurance fraud drives me insane. My grandfather can't even get insurance on his home in WV because fraud is so rife in that county.

T and I are going through something similar with his auto insurance ( I know, auto!). Nevermind he's been driving for fifteen years without so much as a ticket...if he wants insurance in America he has to sign on as a new driver..aka a 16 year old boy. The insurance would be more than the car.

Hattie, things will get you down. They'll get on top of you and crawl all over you if you let them. And you will..for a little while..because it's just in our nature to do that. But everything will work out in the end. You know it and I know it and we both know why.

Hugs and Prayers.


Furtheron said...

Life is life and pain and pleasure are inexorably linked.

You only know that your toe is painful because you’ve had times without your toe being painful. Once it is no longer painful you will realise that because you can recognise it only because of the pain you have had and you will rejoice.

Therefore to have pleasure you have to have pain.

None of this helps the hurt you are in now other than to say that it will pass and when it does only because of it will you feel the better times ahead.

Keep plugging away.

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((hag n tt))))))))))))ty n b good 2 u guys

Louisiana said...

life is deifinetely full of surprises and not all are the good ones. i'm sorry you are having a rough patch right now..hang in there, for the upside will be here soon.

keeping you in my thoughts.

shellz said...

You got it Hattigrace...this too shall pass...

Jada's Gigi said...

Good grief! those taxes! That can't be right?? can it?? mine went up a few hundred and I was ticked...the whole money issue is such an issue...i hate money...I hate living in discomfort...someties pain...yuck! As has been mentioned...this to shall pass...

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

I can't believe the cost of your home does sound rather high. Have you asked any of your neighbors what theirs cost? I mean just for a reference.

What a description of the pain you feel on your toe. It gives me chills just to think of walking around with a thumb tac between my toes...OUCH!!!

Hang in there sounds like you are having a very bad day, week, month. God must think you can handle all this stress.

Gardenia said...

oh, hattigrace, our insurance too quadrupled - it doesn't seem right to pay thousands of dollars for a policy that has so many loopholes it will not pay for damages, does it?

I too just keep struggling with those $, never seem to keep up with inflation. Just when I think I'm going to get ahead (retirement $) - boom, its gone. I guess the trick is to try to find some joy in the daily living - but that doesn't mean we can't take time out to treat ourselves by being crabby! :)

I think you made the right choice to move - a conversion is often the lst step towards years and years of growth - do ya wanna live with old boss until the seeds in the dirt start blooming? Prolly not! Its costly to move, but if you're like me, something else would suck the $ into the black hole anyway!

Anyway, kiddo - boss is definitely not in the running anymore. Will prolly move back to FL in Jan - same way I came out here - hubby did not offer to come get me. Will come for Christmas & fly back anyway to get odds & ends cleaned up.

Hang in there - I'm so very weary - sounds like you are too...


I'm insured against fire, floods, earthquakes(uh?), lightening, moles, trees falling on me, death (mine and causing), swarms of wasps n on n on n on. In fact the only thing I'm not insured against is Insurance Agents.

Lots o hugs babe. Yer'll be ok. I know these things. x

Gardenia said...

Thinking about you! Boy you tackled a lot at once, moving, way less cocktails, vegetarian diet! Your back is chronic. No wonder you are a bit down. Constant pain in itself is enough to sour one. Your up attitude most of time awes me...and I wish I could be more like you sometimes.

Sometimes I wonder if God just wants you and I to depend on him so totally - ha, so totally it scares me! I went to social security office yesterday - at 62 I am entitled to $833 mo - this is about $200 less than all the "estimates" they have sent in the past. I'm sick, then thinking oh, well, will SURELY have to depend on God.

The good news is I can make 12,600 a supplement. They are surely kidding. So to apply the secret of life, plod on, plod on, plod on, plod on, plod on.

Had the epidural injection yesterday, lower back. Not bad! They said it would take 48 hrs to feel dif. Have you had one of these?

I'm trying to think of an enouraging scripture - but right now - my mind is blank.

When I come there perhaps we can get together for alcohol less champagne from health food store, hummus & blue chips!

Gardenia said...

Thinking about you! Boy you tackled a lot at once, moving, way less cocktails, vegetarian diet! Your back is chronic. No wonder you are a bit down. Constant pain in itself is enough to sour one. Your up attitude most of time awes me...and I wish I could be more like you sometimes.

Sometimes I wonder if God just wants you and I to depend on him so totally - ha, so totally it scares me! I went to social security office yesterday - at 62 I am entitled to $833 mo - this is about $200 less than all the "estimates" they have sent in the past. I'm sick, then thinking oh, well, will SURELY have to depend on God.

The good news is I can make 12,600 a supplement. They are surely kidding. So to apply the secret of life, plod on, plod on, plod on, plod on, plod on.

Had the epidural injection yesterday, lower back. Not bad! They said it would take 48 hrs to feel dif. Have you had one of these?

I'm trying to think of an enouraging scripture - but right now - my mind is blank.

When I come there perhaps we can get together for alcohol less champagne from health food store, hummus & blue chips!

Gardenia said...

hey, lovely hatti! I just got back - the injection has helped some, but he said would be stop-gap.

hope your usual sunshine is rising!

I had a snag today, went to the cemetery before leaving town, and as I headed home, with battered body, no knowledge of future income, no idea what is going to happen, I felt an overwhelming sense of "why live?" Demonic, or extreme self pity I don't know - but the reality was - it hit like a bat to the head.

I go back to what I consider the secret of life..."plod on, plod on, plod on, plod on."

Bless you.