August 30, 2007




Here I go! Off to follow another dream!

I have wanted to paint for a long time. I want to use acrylics.

These are the first two paintings I have done since high school!! Ha ha, isn't this a gas? I am looking for lessons.

Whatcha think?
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Furtheron said...

The second one is great.

I know nothing about art by the way so don't look for any in depth critique :-)

DeeJay said...

I think that this is absolutely great. I cannot create anything artistic and I really envy your talent. It is funny that you should announce taking up this new endeavour just after I was talking to someone who reminded me of the question that often drives me forward - "when was the last time you did something you have never done before?"

Gardenia said...

adorable and you have some talent

if you want to come paint one of these days you are off, feel free - I can give you some pointers I've learned - - too bad, I think the downtown PJC campus which had so many wonderful art classes is either winding down or gone -

I working on a cajun hibiscus in acrylic - its not my favorite medium - but you can get some wonderful bright clear color

Anonymous said...

Cute! There is'nt a right or wrong way to paint. You can learn about perspective and preportion (sp)at classes, but it's important to enjoy what you do :0)

I've started to draw again :0)

Anonymous said...

do wot makes u happy who care abot tha rest of it?

Gardenia said...

I like the bottom painting more - because its more developed. I like the way you used your painterly lines like drawing lines and the fact that they aren't rigid. And I can see the texture - you are not afraid of brush strokes and that is wonderful.

I love the whimsical look on puppies' face. Look at some art and decide which way you want to head - more of a folk art style, or a bit abstract, total realism, or.....hit some galleries, don't be intimidated and paint, paint, paint......

I'm working on painting more and trying to find a looser more "painterly" style - I find I like some of my earlier stuff more than recent stuff because its free-er.

If you see any workshops in the paper, consider them as well.


If a pile of bricks can make the Tate I'm sure you can!!

I like 'em as it goes. Really. Not just sayin' it. really do like 'em.

Admin said...

I just wanted to stop over and say "hi". Thanks for visiting my blog. I'll look forward to getting better acquainted!

(by the way, I'm no artist, but I do like the paintings!)

mister anchovy said...

I think the very best thing you can do is go out into the landscape and draw draw draw and paint paint paint. Don't worry so much about your product - worry about developing the coordination between what your brain perceives and you hand puts down. Avoid using photographs as aids because photos have already abstracted the subject and frozen the image. Just as I would say to a new musician, practice, practice, practice, I say to the new painter, paint paint paint, draw draw draw. And do not be discouraged. You will learn way more through practice than you will ever learn from books and teachers.