July 17, 2007


I am giving up my fight and gonna have surgery. I have tried everything natural and conservative to save my back. I am still in very bad pain.

Thursday at eleven in the morning, I will submit myself to a microscopic discectomy, an outpatient one hour surgery. The neurosurgeon is promising an end to all the leg pain. He feels I may have residual back pain, maybe.

I will take off from work until Tuesday, July 30. I have been told to do a lot of walking, that walking heals the back. Cannot sit or lie down any longer than twenty minutes at a time, with the exception of nighttime sleeping.

I am taking lots of Vitamin C and eating more protein.

I had a tonsillectomy at seven, birthed my daughter at twenty-two. Don't frequent hospitals much!

But it is time to get help. I am a little scared, but more relieved.


Gardenia said...

I will pray! You have to do something to get that chunk off your nerve. I'm glad you moved from an orthopedist to a neurosurgeon. I'm just sorry you have to go through this. It's been a long rough road. The decompression treatments are not fun........but they bought some time. Take care of you.

DeeJay said...

A brave but undeniably the right decision.
Good luck and I will be thinking of you. Can't wait for your return blog confirming the loss of the pain.

Anonymous said...

gl on ur surg i will lite u a candle :o)

Jada's Gigi said...

Praying! Thank goodness there is something they can do.


Don't be scared babe x

The micro disci thingy'll work.

Trust me I'm from Oldham.

Besides I wouldn't let owt happen to my HG. (TT'd never speak to me again)

I hereby get into the docs head and advise him I have Sicilian friends. (I have too!)

There yer go. Sorted.

Gardenia said...

How are you coming along?