July 11, 2007

second shot

The pain is back. Was improving so much, enough to even cook and do some light things around the house on Saturday.

In the middle of Monday night, I got up and was so happy to realize I was even better. Almost no pain as I walked down the hall and then back to my bed. But Tuesday morning, I was sleeping soundly when my alarm went off and I jerked to answer it. . . Yes, you guessed, I felt the strain immediately.

So yesterday was tough and today at work was even worse. I am okay sitting, but I cannot stand up for ten seconds without the roaring pain all the way down my hip to my ankle.

I called the pain management doc this morning on his cell. He called back at 8:30 tonight. He is going to try to get me in for a second epidural about 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. He leaves for a ten day vacation tomorrow afternoon. Thank God I called today.

I am discouraged. I am really thinking about surgery. I just cannot manage this extreme pain. And to have it get worse over something so simple as turning my alarm off. . . that is just crazy.

So, I need prayers for healing and mercy.

I also need someone to tell my why my Picaso piccys are not showing on previous post? Very irritating.

Of course, everything irritates me right now. Pain sure reveals a yechy side of me. God help me suffer better.


DeeJay said...

So sorry to hear of your pain. Have you considered a chiropractor? I suffered with back pain for years until being introduced to one and I have not looked back (excuse the pun)

Furtheron said...

My wife once pulled her back badly picking up a duster.

I still remind of that one of course years later... :-)

This will pass and one day you'll be able to look back and laugh.

Anonymous said...

doin puppy dance 2 make ur pain goway

Gardenia said...

Pain or illness reveals a yechy side of me too. Like dragon lady side - snarl! Especially when those around me are lounging on the sofa and the house is dirty, laundry piled up, and the boy needing dinner! I get reeealllll mean.

This has to be so discouraging. And it is scary to be down and not know how long - to not be able to do hardly anything - and not to be able to plan anything because of the pain.....and not knowing what will trigger the pain....

M. has been in Dallas, maybe I mentioned it and she's completely out of pain. We'll see if it holds.

Mine feels so fragile I worry. But it reminds me to pray for you! My surgeon in Wyoming told me to go to Mayo to get it done if I had to do it down here.


C'mon TT. get on wi the massages mate.

Bambi says ta for thinkin' of her. She's on the mend now.


back feelin' better? TT doin' the massage thing?

Got a bbq in a couple of months n been asked to do another rendition of Sid Vicious. It's gettin videoed apparently. The evidence will be forthcomin'.

Run for the hills