October 20, 2007

Thursday, October 18 began as a very rainy, dark morning. I was foiling my first client when my second client called to say there were tornado warnings, but she was still on her way.

By the time she arrived, she said the tornado was downtown, which is only a mile from us. In moments, we saw the inky funnel cloud looming over us out my big window. My first client dove into her bag for her cell phone, Assistant grabbed hers and I began pacing the hallway with mine, "Heavenly Father, protect us in Your mercy, TT, a tornado is on it's way, get Isabella and get in the den, Hail Mary full of grace. . . "

"A., where is Dot?"

"She went to the mall."

Ring her. "Dot, a tornado is coming. DO NOT leave the mall."

"Okay, Mom. Listen, while you are on the phone, I found a great birthday gift for New Mommy. Do you want to go in with me on it?"

"Sure, sure. Just don't leave the mall."

Back to work. Begin a razor cut on second client while first client's foils are heating up in color processor. Cool cut, a Victoria B. bob. The ominous black cloud has receded into the horizon a bit.

Dot calls. "The tornado came by here. Everyone started screaming. Their hair was blowing and insulation was floating in the air and it was really loud. But I am okay now."

Relief. She's okay. Back to cutting. The tornado came very near the mall. The mall. The mall. " SHIT!!!!!!!!" We live four blocks from the mall. "TT and Isabella."

Stop cutting. Try TT's cell phone. No answer. Try home phone. No answer. Hands are now shaking. Must stay on schedule. "A., get ahold of TT. Call Dot. Tell her to check on him. I have to know they are okay."

"OOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!" Major cut on bird finger with brand new razor (I don't use a guard). It is over an inch long, and deep. A. faints at the sight of blood so I shoooooe her out of the room. "You have to get a bandaid on me while I hold my finger together", I tell my client.

Finger bandaged. Back to work. TT calls. He and Isabella and house are safe. Wheeeewwww. Breathing again.

Later, we learn the Office Depot parking lot is a mass of turned upside down vehicles.

Dot had gone there first before going to mall. She was ahead of danger by ten minutes. Her father prays every day for our safety. Keep praying, TT.


Biddie said...
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Biddie said...

I am SO relieved that you and yours are safe. How incredibly terrifying. I don't think that I could have stayed calm with my kids out and about during that mess. I would have freaked out. You still had enough composer to keep working.

Anonymous said...

((((H.G)))). That must have been so scarey. Glad you are all safe. And to keep cutting through that, amazing.

Anonymous said...

glad ur all ok

Gardenia said...

What a harrowing day! I missed it all, turned on TV late, and thought "OH MY >>>>!" Glad everything is ok - but is your finger? What a thing to happen when you use them extensively every day! (Your nerves must have been a bit shot as well!)

J was tucked away in bed, we were all on this side of town, so all ok, however it just keeps raining and we're at about flood level here (not the house - the roads) - won't take much more. Wish it would go up to North Georgia where there is a bad drought.

I had a quick trip to NOLA to meet Candy Minx and Stagg - it turned out great! Hope to post tomorrow. Er - its 3 a.m. its really today.


Bit breezy over there then? Chill babe. You n yours are protected.