September 8, 2007

bags too!

Gardenia got me going with her post on bags. I have quite a bag history!

Twenty years ago, my sister gave me the striped cloth bag Isabella is standing on, in a package of six. She was environmentally conscious then. I rolled my eyes over that part, but the bags appealed to me for a different reason.

When in a car, I cannot stand stuff rolling around on the floor, rattling or making any other noises! I have a bit of an anti-noise fetish. ( Like I hate hearing my husband chew anything when we are watching TV or movies, especially in a dramatic, emotional part.) With the cloth bags, my stuff could travel in silence!

Anyone who travels anywhere with us knows the number one rule is no plastic or paper bags in the car. Those go in the trunk!

My cloth bags have seen a lot of cherished belongings transported to and from this house and loved ones, work, play. . . all in silence!

The green floralish bag is my plastic lined Vera Bradley lunch bag. A good friend gave that to me for my birthday last year! Salon owner called my other bags "Hobo Bags", so I was happy to upgrade my bag image! I take my lunch to work nearly everyday. I like knowing I have my healthy salad, complete with tomato, lentil bean sprouts, avocado, broccoli, celery, garlic and feta waiting for me safe in my VB bag.

I left out of the picture my knitting bags, book bags, beach bag, cosmetic bags (I have one for face, one for body, one for hair, one for makeup), jewelry bags, vitamin bag.

Then we get Isabella, so she had a winter bag and a summer bag for the happy times we take her "bye-bye"! She likes to sleep in her winter bag every now and then. She just started doing that again this past week. . . is she realizing fall is soon to come?

TT took one of the cloth bags for all his meds and snacks and whatever. If we ever get on the road to anywhere, even just to church or a friend's house without his grey striped bag, we turn around to fetch it.

Hmmmm, now that I am painting and learning to draw, looks like I need an artist's bag, too!

Are there other bagaholics out there besides me and Gardenia?

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Gardenia said...

I am laughing.

Isabella has definitely staked out her favorite. I think you are right about instinct - they know!

Now, thanks to you, I have some good ideas to sort out my "products" - by parts of the body ministered to.

Yer bags are purtier than my bags!

"H" would not be caught dead carrying a bag - but carries mine for me. Now I understand what he is up to. Can use a bag but surrepticiously so.


I have a very old bag. She's called mother.

Wandering Coyote said...

Hi Hattigrace,

Just wanted to stop by and say hi, and thanks for leaving a comment over at my place. I loved reading your profile. I used to press my face up against the windows of bakeries and cake shops...still do.

Admin said...

I am a "bag lady" too. I have to have a book bag, a bag for the cell phone cords, etc.