September 4, 2007


I am calling this Communion. Painted it for the mother of our god-children. The Sacred Heart of our Lord, present in the Bread and the Wine. I got the perspective backwards on the Bread and it looks kind of moldy. I was trying to create texture so it wouldn't look like a brick!

I actually like the wine bottle. It is a little crooked, but I think that gives it character.

My least favorite is the Cross. I wanted it to look like it was translucent and glowing. And the heart is too muddy of a color. . . I was trying to make it translucent, too.

Okay, I am risking it, but y'all be honest. . . Gardenia has been so sweet. Tutoring me through email. I sent her the almost finished painting, so she did not get to help me create this. She makes me feel like there is hope.

So has Dot. She has amazed me with her sweet enthusiasm. She even tried to help me find a class today. So far, nada.
First sketches from drawing books. Don't know why the picture of the peach sketch is so fuzzy!! hahaha.
Son-in-law brought me over a fabby easel (on loan). So nice to work without wiggle!
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Threat Assessment & Response Canada said...

Wow. You have talent.

The bread looks good to me.

I have trouble even drawing stick people. I can draw a crime scene to scale, though. How pathetic is that!

I'm always impressed by people who are creative and have the talent to express it.

Evangelist said...

I like the communion painting. should have painted unleaven bread... more historically correct and easier to paint :)

keep on truckin!

Furtheron said...

Well I'm impressed. Communion has a sort of Van Gogh quality to it.

Anonymous said...

H.G, the painting is wonderful, love the colours :0) I like the tree sketch too. See everything you said below, it does translate to canvas :0)

Admin said...

It has a neat quality to it.

I have a challenge for you. I once saw a drawing of a cross, with blood drops dripping from it into a chalice, and a loaf of bread next to it. All surrounded by a heart. I'm not much of an artist, so I've never been able to re-create it.

Heidi Grether said...

OM Gosh! Joni, I painted that last night. (Gardenia is my witness as she has been helping me via email!) Mine is very crude, rough and comical. Not on purpose. . . it is like a child's drawing. . . my proportions are off. I have to do some work on it before I display it out here!

Gardenia said...

I fully expected to see the grass painting posted this a.m. you prolific person!

Hope you continue to feel so energetic. Darn, I forgot the earrings again!

I have to run and pick up the boy now.