September 14, 2007


I painted it. But the words from my devotion today are too rich to not share. May they bless you as they did me. My love to you all. .

The Triumph of the Cross

A huge dynamite blast rips open a mountain. A powerful avalanche rushes down a slope and levels everything in its path. A raging flood drives through a ravine at a furious pace. In each of these scenes we see manifestations of incredible power. Nothing can stand in the way of these forces, and anything that comes into contact with them is overrun. Well, today the church celebrates the Triumph of the Cross. As dynamite, avalanches, and raging floods are three of the most powerful natural forces we know, so the cross of Jesus is the most powerful spiritual force in the universe.

Has any other single act in history won forgiveness for every sin that has ever been committed? Has any other event brought about the complete frustration of the devil’s attempts to control our lives and move us away from God? Was any other event powerful enough to tear the veil that separated heaven from earth and reveal a new and living way to the Father?

Like dynamite, the cross of Jesus has the power to blast away any deeply ingrained pattern of sin in our lives. Like a mighty flood, it can wash all anger, fear, and despair from our hearts. Like an avalanche, it can shower down on us the love of God in a way that destroys any obstacle to his presence. This cross is our way of victory because it points to a new day, a new hope, and a new joy.

How about you? Is there a sin pattern that needs to be exploded? Is there a relationship—perhaps with your spouse or a close friend—that needs healing? Is there an inner voice that constantly reminds you of your past failures and keeps you bound in guilt or hopelessness? Then today is your day. Take your sins, your weaknesses, your failings, and lay them all at the foot of the cross. Then rejoice with the angels and saints, knowing that this cross—radiant and triumphant—can overcome every spiritual, physical, or emotional obstacle to God’s love.

“Jesus, I marvel at the power of your cross. I believe that your death and resurrection have won my complete redemption. With joy, I celebrate the triumph of your cross—even over those situations where I have yet to taste your victory.”

Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 78:1-2,34-38; Philippians 2:6-11

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